Free Features of Drink and Drive App

  • Licensed Source Code

    We will provide the Source Code after Launching your App on the App Store. Your Tech Team can use the Code to make Improvements.

  • 1-Year Bug Support

    We'll help you with solving Technical Issues (Bugs) that may appear in our Code for One Year.

  • Annual Updates

    After one year, we will provide you with the Updated Code depending on the Package you’ve chosen.

  • White-Labeling

    We will integrate your Brand Name, Logo, preferred Language, Currency, etc. into the App to make it Uniquely yours.

  • NDA & Privacy Policy

    We sign an NDA and promise not to Claim your Apps as ours or show them in our Portfolio. We take confidentiality seriously.

U Drink I Drive Clone Script

Let your Users enjoy the event without worrying about how to get home after having a few Drinks! Launch an app that lets users Book a Ride, especially after feeling a bit Drunk.

We have built a Smart App and a complete solution for entrepreneurs to launch a Drink and Drive App in just 1-2 weeks.

Here are various Scripts you get with the purchase of our On-demand App Solution.

Drink and drive script
drink-and-drive service app script

Benefits of Launching Drink and Drive App

Launch an On-demand SERVICE APP that can quickly boost your income—DRINK AND DRIVE APP. Moreover, you can help your users get back home safely after having a few drinks.

By launching a Pre-built App, you will be able to succeed with a Single Investment. Every time someone uses your "U DRINK I DRIVE" app and books a ride home, you earn a Commission. And the best part? You get to decide how much Commission you make on each ride.

you drink i drive iPhone app

Core Features

  • Social Sign Up Social Sign Up

    Users can Sign Up using their Social Media Accounts with just one click.

  • View Ride Estimation View Ride Estimation

    After entering the details, users can see the Ride's Estimated Price.

  • Live Track Driver Live Track Driver

    Users can track the Driver’s Location on the map in real time.

  • SOS/Panic Button SOS/Panic Button

    Users can tap on the SOS/Panic Button in emergencies to reach their Emergency Contacts.

  • Rate & Review Driver Rate & Review Driver

    After the ride ends, users can Rate and Review the Driver based on their experience.

  • In-app Chat/Calls In-app Chat/Calls

    The User and Driver can connect via in-app Calling or Messaging for any query they may have.

Drink and Drive App Package Price

Start your unique Online Business with our Cutting-edge U Drink I Drive Clone Solution. Check the Pricing Page for more details on our packages.


Robust Website and Admin Panel

Web panel
Our on-demand app works just like Uber's. By downloading the app, your users will be able to book rides with a single tap, track the trip, share details with close ones, and much more.

With V3Cube, you get a Powerful Website that works well on any device, including Laptops, Tablets, and even Smartphones. It helps users manage their Accounts, see their Transactions, check past bookings, etc.

Moreover, the Admin Dashboard gives you complete Control over your Business, so you can make more money easily. Using the Admin Panel, you can access Reports and Analyses that offer useful Insights to improve your Business’s overall Performance!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a Drink and Drive App?

    A Drink and Drive app allows users to book rides and reach home safely after they’ve consumed alcohol. This app offers useful services that ensure that people do not drive after drinking alcohol and reach home securely without any mishaps.

  • What features are included in the U Drink I Drive Clone Solution?

    Key features included in the application are online payments, real-time tracking, an SOS/Panic button, in-app calling, and more.

  • Can the pre-built script be customized to meet specific business requirements?

    Yes, our experts will tailor the app to your business requirements. Moreover, we will white-label the app with your branding. The team will launch the app under your brand name on App Stores and Servers.

  • What platforms are the Drink and Drive Apps compatible with?

    The app can be created for both the Android and iOS operating systems, ensuring a large user base.

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